Monday, 12 September 2016

Ulster Museum

The Ulster Museum

Being that I was in the Discover art section of the museum, I figured I'd get a lot of creative little minds adding to the weave.
And sure enough, all the little minds appeared some interested in the weave,
Some interested in just wrapping or tying things ,
 some more interested in going under and poping there little head's through the holes which have formed in the stretching and assembling of the weave.

I've been getting a lot of 'IS THAT A SPIDERS WEB FOR HALLOWEEN'..... without realizing it.. it pretty much is very much like a spiders web, but that wasn't intentional. its the 4 chair loom situation which created the spider web shape. And hay spiders are skilled craft men.. so I'll take it as a compliment.

The fun thing about today was the fact that adults and kids we're feeling the enjoyment of weaving... or just having a go, or just hanging things.
 There is really no script to this. which is why i'm doing it of course.....

Natalia , summer and lily made my day they came back a few times!
 Natalia sat for maybe an hour creating a section of weave, summer started twisting and stretching fabrics and lily had the best time poking her head through the (almost poncho looking) fabric...

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